
About Me
How to Keep Your Cool When the Mercury is Rising

When the heat is rising to record-breaking levels, it can be really tough to stay cool. This summer, I found that my air conditioner had trouble keeping up with the temperatures. It wasn't that the AC wasn't working, it was just that I couldn't seem to get my house cooled down as much as I wanted. I worried that I would have to replace the whole AC system. Luckily, I have a good friend who works as an HVAC contractor. He took a look at my system and gave good news -- it didn't need to be replaced. Instead, he shared a lot of tips for helping my air conditioner work more efficiently, as well as some ideas to help supplement the AC and keep the house cooler. I'm using those tips to create this blog to share ways for all of us to keep cool on the hottest days.

Send Troubles Down the Drain: How to Protect Your Residential Drains

19 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you're having problems with your drains, it's time to take maintenance seriously. Ignoring drain problems won't make them go away. In fact, ignoring them will only make the problems worse. That's why proper drain maintenance is so important. It's the best way to avoid the stubborn problems that can plague your residential drains. If you're not sure how to properly maintain your residential drains, here are four steps you need to take. Read More …

Understanding The Difference Between High And Low Side AC Leaks

19 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Refrigerant is the magical substance that allows your air conditioning system to function. Your system's refrigerant absorbs heat from your home and transports it outside, repeating this process many times over on hot and humid summer days. It's not enough to have refrigerant in your lines, however. Your AC system relies on a relatively precise refrigerant pressure to function correctly. When something disrupts this careful balance, it can place extra strain on expensive components such as the compressor. Read More …

Is Your AC Short-Cycling? 4 Problems You Face If You Don’t Take Care Of Repairs Right Away

9 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If your air conditioner is short-cycling, meaning it's turning on and off more frequently, you might not realize that there's a problem. In fact, most homeowners don't even think twice when their air conditioners short-cycle. In most cases, they think that their AC is just keeping up with the need for cool air. Unfortunately, that's not the case. When air conditioners short-cycle, there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Read More …

Are All Air Conditioning Filters The Same?

16 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have ever visited a home improvement store to purchase an air filter for your air conditioner, you may have noticed that you had a lot of choices to choose from. It is important to remember that the wealth of choice is not by accident. Not all air filters are the same, and as a result, some air filters perform better than others. To ensure your home is comfortable, your family is happy, and your air conditioning unit is protected, it is important to learn about some of the factors that separate air filters. Read More …

Main Benefits That Come From Having Central Air Conditioning For Your Home

25 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If your home is not currently equipped with central air conditioning, you might want to think about upgrading. Even if it is close to the end of the summer, you can still hire a company for central air conditioning installation so you will be all set for next summer. Still not sure if this is something worth investing in? Take a few minutes to read over the following information so you will be able to make the best decision for your household. Read More …