How to Keep Your Cool When the Mercury is Rising

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How to Keep Your Cool When the Mercury is Rising

When the heat is rising to record-breaking levels, it can be really tough to stay cool. This summer, I found that my air conditioner had trouble keeping up with the temperatures. It wasn't that the AC wasn't working, it was just that I couldn't seem to get my house cooled down as much as I wanted. I worried that I would have to replace the whole AC system. Luckily, I have a good friend who works as an HVAC contractor. He took a look at my system and gave good news -- it didn't need to be replaced. Instead, he shared a lot of tips for helping my air conditioner work more efficiently, as well as some ideas to help supplement the AC and keep the house cooler. I'm using those tips to create this blog to share ways for all of us to keep cool on the hottest days.

3 Heating Installation Options For Older Homes

30 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Installing a new heating system in an older home can pose some unique challenges. If you own an older home — especially one without existing ductwork in place — then your options may feel a bit limited. The good news is that with the right HVAC professional, you can choose a heating solution that best suits your needs, budget, and space. By being aware of a few common heating options for older homes and how they work, you and your heating specialist can make an informed decision regarding which solution is right for you. Read More …

2 Guidelines For Purchasing An HVAC System Online

28 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If your current HVAC system is starting to show its age and require frequent repairs, or if you want to make your home more energy-efficient, it's time to replace your HVAC system with a newer unit. However, if you're short on time and can't view your options in person, or have a limited number of HVAC dealers in your area, you can purchase a system from an online HVAC dealer. Follow these guidelines when purchasing an HVAC system online. Read More …

How To Make Sure You Have A Professional Mold Removal Company

25 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have mold growing on the side of your home, or even worse, within your home, it is time to call in mold removal professionals. Some companies seem to make the mold removal process very complicated, often requiring a very large sum of money in order to get the work done right. The reality is that you may not know exactly what you need, so you must find a good company that you can trust. Read More …

3 Reasons For Uneven Cooling In Your Home

23 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A malfunctioning AC can be nearly as frustrating as one that breaks down completely. If your AC unit doesn't seem to be cooling your home evenly, then the problem could be either with the AC unit itself or one of the peripherals. The following are three things to check if you are having cooling issues. 1. Blocked Ducts Problems with your ducts can lead to cooling issues in the house. The most common problem is blocked vents or registers. Read More …

What Should You Know About Thermostat Placement?

30 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you're having a new heating system installed in your home, then you're likely worried about big-picture decisions. It can be easy to get wrapped up in decisions over energy efficiency or the number of heating zones and miss out on lower-level decisions such as thermostat placement. While contractors will often make these decisions themselves, it is essential to understand why these choices are made so that you can request changes as necessary. Read More …