The HVAC Repair Guide To Deal With Issues That Come Up As The Seasons Change

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How to Keep Your Cool When the Mercury is Rising

When the heat is rising to record-breaking levels, it can be really tough to stay cool. This summer, I found that my air conditioner had trouble keeping up with the temperatures. It wasn't that the AC wasn't working, it was just that I couldn't seem to get my house cooled down as much as I wanted. I worried that I would have to replace the whole AC system. Luckily, I have a good friend who works as an HVAC contractor. He took a look at my system and gave good news -- it didn't need to be replaced. Instead, he shared a lot of tips for helping my air conditioner work more efficiently, as well as some ideas to help supplement the AC and keep the house cooler. I'm using those tips to create this blog to share ways for all of us to keep cool on the hottest days.

The HVAC Repair Guide To Deal With Issues That Come Up As The Seasons Change

26 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to HVAC repair, there are a number of common problems that may come up in homes and businesses in the spring and fall months. With winter almost here, it's important to be aware of the problems that come with the season. By knowing what kinds of problems you're likely to run into, you can take proactive steps to prevent them from occurring in order to ensure you'll have a comfortable home throughout winter. Here's the HVAC repair guide you need to deal with issues as the seasons change:

AC Repairs Before Winterization

In the winter months, your house's AC system needs special protection. Winterization is the process of preparing your house's AC system for the cold months. It's best to get it done before temperatures drop to freezing because once winter begins, you run the risk of damaging your AC system.

Other things that need to be done to prepare your AC for winterization include assessing the condition of your piping and changing your coolant. Inspect the tubing of your AC system, making sure there are no leaks. Repair leaks immediately. Any other minor issues should be repaired before completing the weatherization of the system.

Repairing Ducts and Furnace Blowers

There are issues with the ductwork that needs to be addressed whenever the seasons change. This is due to problems with pests, moisture, and wear that can damage ductwork. This can lead to problems with air quality and leaks that affect your HVAC system. You will need to repair these issues before using your heating system.

The furnace also uses a blower fan, which can be the cause of numerous problems. It is important to inspect the fan motor to make sure it is working efficiently and grease moving parts. If the motor needs minor repairs, this should be done before using the heating. An HVAC repair service can also help replace a broken or inefficient furnace blower to enhance the performance of your system.

Inspecting the Furnace Before Winter Weather

The first part of HVAC repair is to inspect. You have to look at the furnace and figure out what is wrong. Thus, you want to look for issues with your furnace before you start using the heating. When inspecting a furnace, first turn off the power to the unit. Most furnaces are turned on and off using circuit breakers, which allow you to turn power to the unit on and off. Look for issues like damaged wiring and parts, and clean the furnace if it is dirty. If there are more severe problems with the furnace, call an HVAC repair technician for help.

These suggestions can help save money on your energy bill while keeping your family warm all winter long. Contact an HVAC repair service to get the help you need dealing with these issues.