Three Ways To Improve Commercial Heating
Commercial heating expenses are tied to a number of issues. The efficiency of your heating system doesn't just depend on your furnace, boiler, and other actual heating appliances. You could have the most modern furnace available, with the best AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency), but it still won't be the most efficient system if other factors are not dealt with. This is particularly true when it comes to heat loss through windows, doors, and ducts. If hot air is escaping through your windows, it is pretty much just like throwing money away.
HVAC contractors will not only assess your actual HVAC appliances and components, they can also look at your actual building insulation and tell you where and how it can be improved. Here are the three most common things, besides the actual heating appliances, that can be hurting your commercial heating efficiency.
The Ducts are Leaky
Commercial buildings have much bigger duct systems. Not only is there more length of ducting, the ducts are wider. This means that there are just more areas where air can leak through your air ducts and be lost. But, leaking isn't the only possible problem. In fact, heat can be lost even if the ducts are completely air tight. Sections of the ducting that run through colder parts of your building can be more efficient if the outside walls are insulated.
Windows and Doors
The next thing they will look at all your windows and doors. Obviously, you want your windows to be air tight when they are closed. But, even if your windows are air tight, they might not have maximum insulation after years of being exposed to the elements. Windows can lose their glaze and the glass panes can become warped. HVAC technicians are usually won't tell you that you need to replace the windows because they know this is a very expensive remodel. But, they will suggest other methods that you can improve your window insulation, like window tinting or replacing the weatherstripping.
A Smarter Thermostat
The last thing that an HVAC technician might suggest is a modern, smart thermostat. Smart thermostats allow for simpler and more intuitive control of your HVAC system. This can be updated, and retrofitted to pretty much any HVAC system for less than $200. With greater control over your heating system, your new thermostat can save you money and make it more convenient to operate.
Talk to a company like Robison Air for more help.